Upcoming talk with ADHD Aware
On Thursday, 21st November, 19:00 – 20:30 GMT, I am doing a webinar for ADHD Aware titled “Neurodiversity and How It Impacts Couples”
How to deal with Executive Dysfunction
Executive Function (EF) is a set of cognitive skills that help us manage our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It’s the brain’s overseer for everything from planning and organising to problem-solving and decision-making. When EF is impaired, it can significantly impact daily life, leading to work, relationships, and personal well-being challenges.
How to address resentment in your couple
We look at what can cause resentment in relationships. This article explores ways to address resentment and improve your relationship.
Great insights and self-help to add to your reading list
As a couples therapist, I’m always looking for new resources that can help me better understand and support my clients. Recently, I’ve been particularly inspired by things that have shed light on the link between mental health, physical health, relationships, and personal growth.
Our neurodivergent relationship clinic
After over a decade of working with couples affected by neurodivergence (ND), I’ve assembled a dedicated team of therapists to address the growing demand for specialised support. Our team consists of classically trained couple therapists who understand the impact neurodivergence can have on the couple dynamic.
What if you don’t want a neurodivergent (ND) diagnosis?
Key pointsIndividual needs vary. The decision to pursue a diagnosis should be based on your individual needs and circumstances.Available resources vary. Consider the availability of support services and resources in your area.Personal comfort varies. Trust your instincts and choose what feels right for you.
“The Deal”: a blueprint for relationship success
What is “the deal” in couples therapy?
I talk to my clients about “the deal” in couples therapy. This is an agreement about topics such as family planning, work/life balance and career.
Managing stress for self-regulation
Self-regulation is an important way to de-escalate conflict in your couple and overcome the ways you may trigger each other. In this article we look at how we can reduce stress.
Navigating the couple dynamic after a neurodiverse diagnosis
A neurodivergence (ND) diagnosis can be a seismic event, for the individual, their partner and the relationship as a whole. We look at the impact a diagnosis of ND can have on your couple dynamic.
Self-regulation: a guide for couples
Self-regulation, the cornerstone of emotional intelligence, is the capacity to manage and control one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. It is the skill that empowers individuals to navigate life’s challenges with resilience, make sound decisions, and cultivate fulfilling relationships. While it may seem like an abstract concept, self-regulation is a tangible ability that can be developed and refined through consistent practice. This is a comprehensive guide to self regulation.