Rethinking a new deal
Do you still like each other, maybe even still love each other?So, you’ve looked at your place in the world. Leaving isn’t easy, separated families don’t always thrive. The grass always looks a bright shade of green on the other side, but the reality can be very alarming and hostile.If you were struggling to balance […]
Are you and your partner reading from different scripts?
Are you and your partner reading from different scripts? Blame, defence cycles… Is your relationship loud, full of emotion and aggression? Are you escalating through a never-ending cycle of complaint, blame, defence, blame? Perhaps you’ve threatened to leave the relationship? Or you’ve been living under this oppression since you first started dating and know you […]
Affair recovery
After an affair, conversations with a skilled practitioner can help create a vision of a future and devise a way forward.
Introduction to couples coaching
We are a species that intuitively seeks out energetic connections with others. We love, attach, and depend on others. Our relationships are a dance… A finely tuned balance of autonomy and interdependence that shifts silently as the days pass.